how to port forward using android smartphone via mobile Hotspot or Tethering
Port forward to server using android smartphone via mobile Hotspot
- Most of us use mobile hotspot to share internet with friends and family.
- but when u need to make your PC or Laptop to a home server which u need to access from anywhere, its not possible in a smartphone directly or without a router.
- Inorder to solve this,We can use PORT FORWARDER app in our android smartphone to access your server globally.
Port Forwarder APP Play Store LINK: Fwd-Port Forward app
Install the above mentioned app on your android smartphone and do as below:
Step 1: App must look like this Screenshot,
Tap + button to add Rules. Step 2: Now Add Rules as shown below:
NOTE: incoming port number should not be less than 1024.
U cannot fwd port 80 of mobile to port 80 of ur PC.
U can only fwd port number Greater than 1024.
See Example shown below:
In my case i used 8080 as incoming and target as 80 STEP 3: Add Rule as shown below and save.
In my case, i used 8080 as mobile ph port and 80 as laptop apache server port number. In order to find ur PC IP Address.
PRESS WINKEY+X -->Open Command Prompt .
PRESS WINKEY + R--> opens RUN --> TYPE CMD to open Command Prompt.
Type IPCONFIG to see ur PC Ip address as shown below:
Find IP Address of PC using CMD and ADD That to the RULE.
Finally click save after updating PC ip address with the app. and click start as shown in next step.
Step 4: Click Start, Now Port fwd is ACTIVE.
Click start Step 5: NOW goto SETTINGS--> About Phone--> Status
note down ur IP Address.
Step 6: Type the IP Address seen in mobile followed by port number in ur browser or any other PC or Laptop or anyother mobile which is connected to internet.
IF everything is OK , U must see that traffic on your mobile port 8080 is automatically forwarded to laptop wamp server port 80.
Example as shown in screenshot:
Type IP address which you have noted from SETTINGS --> ABOUT PHONE followed by PORT number. Thats it, You can access your server anywhere while connected to ur smartphone Hotspot or tethering .
Steps to be done on your PC.
you can use any server, in my case used WAMP Server!
click wamp icon, on notification area --> and CLICK PUT ONLINE.
PORT FORWARD works as follows:
U can now access ur PC server from globally even when its connected with ur smartphone HOTSPOT or Tethering ANY Queries plz do comment below.
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